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Haplogroup T
What is Maternal Haplogroup T?
Haplogroup T is a genealogical group of lineages defined by unique genetic markers present in your mitochondrial DNA, which is transmitted from your mother. Your maternal haplogroup paints a picture of your ancient origins and the migrations of your ancestors. Although your maternal haplogroup reflects just one of your many ancestral lineages, it carries information about that lineage over tens of thousands of years.
Among 23andMe research participants, haplogroup T is commonly found among populations in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
It's important to note that your haplogroup doesn't define your current ethnic identity; rather, it provides an insight into your deep ancestry on the maternal side.

Top Surnames with Haplogroup T
For surnames with sufficient representation in the data, these percentages represent the frequency with which each surname is found in individuals exhibiting this genetic marker.
Haplogroup T is linked to Tsar Nicholas II
The reign of Tsar Nicholas II (1868-1918) ended in 1917 near the end of World War I. He was forced to abdicate the throne following the February Revolution, and early the next spring he and his family were killed by the Bolsheviks. For nearly 70 years, their resting place remained a mystery, and many theorized that some members of his family may have survived.Then, in 1991, skeletal remains believed to belong to the Tsar and his family were exhumed from a mass grave in Russia. Researchers tested the mtDNA of the family members and compared their results to known maternal-line relatives of both Nicholas II and his wife, the Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna. These tests not only confirmed that the remains indeed belonged to the Tsar's family, but also established his maternal haplogroup as T.