Explore the Family Name Sauceda

The meaning of Sauceda

Spanish: habitational name from any of the places in Cáceres and Málaga named Sauceda, or a topographic name denoting someone living by willow trees (see Salceda). Compare Sauseda. Some characteristic forenames: Spanish Jose, Juan, Francisco, Manuel, Guadalupe, Jesus, Carlos, Raul, Mario, Pedro, Ruben, Javier.

Dictionary of American Family Names, 2nd edition, © Oxford University Press, 2022.

How common is the last name Sauceda in the United States?

Based on the Decennial U.S. Census data, the surname Sauceda has seen a rise in popularity between the years 2000 and 2010. In 2000, it was ranked 3821 in terms of prevalence in the United States, while by 2010, it had climbed to 3255th place, marking a change of 14.81%. The count of individuals bearing this surname also increased by 30.06% over this period, from 8529 to 11093. This reflected an increase in the proportion of people with the Sauceda surname per 100k residents, which grew from 3.16 to 3.76, a change of 18.99%.

Proportion per 100k3.163.7618.99%

Race and Ethnicity of people with the last name Sauceda

With regards to ethnicity, the Decennial U.S. Census data indicates that the majority of individuals with the Sauceda surname identified as Hispanic in both 2000 and 2010, with percentages at 92.38 and 92.44 respectively. There was a significant increase in the percentage identifying as Asian/Pacific Islander, with a change of 127.78%, albeit from a low base. The percentage of those identifying as part of two or more races also rose by 34.78%. Meanwhile, there were small decreases in the percentages identifying as White, Black, and American Indian and Alaskan Native, with changes of -3.18%, -22.58% and -6.67% respectively.

Asian/Pacific Islander0.18%0.41%127.78%
Two or More Races0.23%0.31%34.78%
American Indian and Alaskan Native0.3%0.28%-6.67%

Sauceda ancestry composition

23andMe computes an ancestry breakdown for each customer. People may have ancestry from just one population or they may have ancestry from several populations. The most commonly-observed ancestry found in people with the surname Sauceda is Indigenous American, which comprises 34.8% of all ancestry found in people with the surname. The next two most common ancestries are Spanish & Portuguese (31.6%) and British & Irish (12.8%). Additional ancestries include French & German, Eastern European, Senegambian & Guinean, Ghanaian, Liberian & Sierra Leonean, and Nigerian.

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Indigenous American34.8%
Spanish & Portuguese31.6%
British & Irish12.8%

Possible origins of the surname Sauceda

Your DNA provides clues about where your recent ancestors may have lived. Having many distant relatives in the same location suggests that you may all share common ancestry there. Locations with many distant relatives can also be places where people have migrated recently, such as large cities. If a large number of individuals who share your surname have distant relatives in a specific area, it could indicate a connection between your surname and that location, stemming from either recent ancestral ties or migration.

Based on 23andMe data, people with last name Sauceda have recent ancestry locations all within Mexico.

RECENT ANCESTRY LocationPercentage
San Luis Potosi, Mexico81.20%
Guerrero, Mexico81.20%
Zacatecas, Mexico81.20%
Veracruz, Mexico81.20%
Tamaulipas, Mexico81.20%

What Sauceda haplogroups can tell you

Haplogroups are genetic population groups that share a common ancestor on either your paternal or maternal line. These paternal and maternal haplogroups shed light on your genetic ancestry and help tell the story of your family.

The top paternal haplogroup of people with the surname Sauceda is Q-M3, which is predominantly found among people with East Asian & Indigenous American ancestry. Haplogroup Q-M3 is descended from haplogroup Q-M242. Other common haplogroups include R-P311 and G-L30, which are predominantly found among people with European and European ancestry. Other surnames with similar common haplogroups are: Leyva, De La Rosa, Aparicio, Saldana, Olvera, Lucio, Cerda, Zarate, Granados, Heredia.

The most common maternal haplogroups of people with Sauceda surname are: B2, A2, H. These most commonly trace back to individuals of European ancestry.

saucedaPaternal Haplogroup Origins Q-M242
Paternal Haplo Image

Your paternal lineage may be linked to The Ancient One

When two college students stumbled upon a human skull on the banks of the Columbia River, neither the students nor the police who responded to their 911 call could have imagined the archaeological significance of this rare discovery. The skull — along with about 300 other bone fragments found near Kennewick, Washington — belonged to a 9,000 year-old nomad who Native Americans have dubbed "The Ancient One." Based on skeletal clues, The Ancient One (also known as "Kennewick Man") likely swam, wielded a spear, and hunted coastal fauna for the greater part of his lifeInitial craniometric studies suggested he descended from ancient Japanese and Polynesian-like people and had little in common with living Native Americans. This claim — refuted by the Plateau tribes of the Pacific Northwest — became the center of a decades-long legal battle over the provenance of the remains. When The Ancient One's genome was finally sequenced in 2015, the evidence revealed he was genetically most similar to modern-day Native Americans. In fact, local tribes were found to be direct descendants of a population closely related to The Ancient One; in 2017, he finally received a proper Native American burial. This critical discovery helps illustrate a genetic continuity between ancient and modern-day Native Americans. Furthermore, his paternal line belonged to haplogroup Q-M3, the predominant lineage among Native Americans today.

Your maternal lineage may be linked to some of the first Americans

Though the Ice Age was beginning to retreat when your A2 ancestors first entered North America, there were still massive barriers blocking their way. Glaciers and inhospitable climate covered much of the continent, blocking entry into the interior. Nonetheless, researchers have found evidence that a wave of American founders migrated over 13,000 kilometers to reach southern Chile in only 2,000 years, a blink of an eye in the story of human migration! Their highway to the south was the coast of the Pacific, stocked with fish, diverse marine mammals, and other valuable resources in the rich kelp forests of the upper latitudes and in the abundant fresh-water rivers near the equator. Because of this rapid movement south, the A2 haplogroup and its diverse branches are found throughout North and South America.

Maternal Haplo Image

What do people with the surname Sauceda have in common?

Spoiler alert: it's complicated. People with the same last name are usually no more genetically similar than a randomly sampled group of people from the same population. That said, people with the same surname are more likely to have similar ancestries than randomly sampled individuals. The reason is the tendency of people with similar cultural or geographical backgrounds to preferentially mate with one another. That's why people who share a surname may be more likely to share traits and tendencies in common than people within the general population. Check out the percentages below to see the prevalences of tastes, habits, and traits of people with your surname compared with prevalences among 23andMe users.



Chocolate Ice Cream

Prefers chocolate flavored ice cream over other flavors.

"Sauceda" Surname 38.2%

23andMe Users 41.3%




When sounds made by others, like the sound of chewing or yawning, provoke strong emotional reactions in an individual.

"Sauceda" Surname 27.3%

23andMe Users 27.9%



Sugary Drink

Drinks one or more sugary drinks per day.

"Sauceda" Surname 20.0%

23andMe Users 21.1%




A severe headache characterized by intense pain, sensitivity to light and sound, and often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

"Sauceda" Surname 19.6%

23andMe Users 16.4%

Are health conditions linked to the last name Sauceda?

The short answer is that, if there is an association between surname and health, it's usually more about your ancestry than your name. Individuals with a given surname are no more genetically similar than the general population but often have similar ancestries. The populations of people associated with those shared ancestries often have sets of genetic variations, also known as alleles, in common. Some of those alleles are associated with a greater likelihood of developing certain diseases.

Disease variant frequency by ancestry

Disease allele frequencies in populations associated with the surname Sauceda are shown below. Important Note: not everyone with a disease allele will develop these health condition

Celiac Disease

HLA-DQ8 variant

Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition in which the consumption of gluten (found in wheat, barley, and rye) can result in damage to the small intestine. Celiac disease can lead to both digestive and non-digestive problems. The 23andMe Health + Ancestry DNA test includes two common variants associated with an increased risk of developing this condition. Learn more about Celiac Disease

Indigenous American 66.9%

23andMe Users 20.0%