Explore the Family Name Hoskin

The meaning of Hoskin

English: from the Middle English personal name Osekin with prosthetic H-, a pet form of Anglo-Norman French names beginning with Os- (particularly Osbert, as well as Osbern, and Osmund) + the Flemish diminutive suffix -kin. All three personal names were current in medieval Cornwall or Devon; see Osborne, Osmond, and Opie (a pet form of Osbert). Old English Ōsbeorn, Ōsbeohrt, and Ōsmund may also have contributed in a minor way to Middle English usage; Middle English Oswald is another possible source, but the name was very rare in the late 14th century. For the excrescent initial H-, compare Herrick.

Dictionary of American Family Names, 2nd edition, © Oxford University Press, 2022.

How common is the last name Hoskin in the United States?

Based on the Decennial U.S. Census data, the popularity of the surname Hoskin has seen a slight decrease in rank from 2000 to 2010, moving from 11,536th place to 11,733rd. This represents a modest drop of 1.71%. However, the actual count of individuals carrying the Hoskin name saw an increase of 6.84% over the same period, growing from 2,500 to 2,671. The proportion of individuals named Hoskin per 100k also experienced a minor decrease of 2.15%.

Proportion per 100k0.930.91-2.15%

Race and Ethnicity of people with the last name Hoskin

In terms of ethnic identity, the Decennial U.S. Census data shows some shifts among those with the Hoskin surname between 2000 and 2010. The percentage identifying as Asian/Pacific Islander saw a substantial increase of 117.05%, rising from 3.52% to 7.64%. Those identifying as two or more races also saw a significant increase, up by 66.89%. On the other hand, the white demographic decreased by 6.73%, while the American Indian and Alaskan Native category declined markedly by 60%. The Black and Hispanic categories saw minor changes, decreasing by 2.03% and increasing by 0.45% respectively.

Asian/Pacific Islander3.52%7.64%117.05%
Two or More Races2.96%4.94%66.89%
American Indian and Alaskan Native2.8%1.12%-60%