Explore the Family Name Ferg

The meaning of Ferg

German: occupational name for a ferryman, Middle High German verje, verge.

Dictionary of American Family Names, 2nd edition, © Oxford University Press, 2022.

How common is the last name Ferg in the United States?

Based on the Decennial U.S. Census data, the surname Ferg has seen a slight increase in popularity between 2000 and 2010. The rank of the surname moved from the 49,767th position in 2000 to the 48,901st position in 2010, showcasing an improvement of 1.74 percent. In terms of count, there was approximately an 8.84 percent increase as the number of individuals with the Ferg surname climbed from 396 in 2000 to 431 in 2010. The proportion per 100,000 people remained constant at 0.15 for both years.

Proportion per 100k0.150.150%

Race and Ethnicity of people with the last name Ferg

In regards to ethnicity, the Decennial U.S. Census data shows some changes in the ethnic identities associated with the surname Ferg between 2000 and 2010. The percentage of Asian/Pacific Islander individuals with this surname nearly doubled, increasing by 98.68 percent from 1.52 to 3.02. The data for those identifying as two or more races, and American Indian and Alaskan Native were suppressed for privacy reasons (S). For White individuals, there was a slight decrease of 2.31 percent, dropping from 95.71 in 2000 to 93.50 in 2010. The Hispanic and Black populations both saw an introduction of the Ferg surname into their communities in 2010, as these categories recorded zero in 2000.

Asian/Pacific Islander1.52%3.02%98.68%
Two or More Races0%0%0%
American Indian and Alaskan Native0%0%0%